Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My venture into the world of oil painting

Always I have had plans to create a space for myself to post my paintings. But was struggling to make that very first beginning. Finally i have come out of that shell.. am coming up with my first post. hurray!!!

Though i am not a born talent in painting, somehow i developed an interest towards painting since childhood, That strong desire always converted my leisure into a piece of drawing, made me to travel miles to painting classes, and may be today helped to make some decent art works.(hope i can mention so..)

For my first blog i thought let me select my first oil painting.... as it is very close to my heart, outcome of 15 long years of wait.

This is a finished product, else i had plans to post step by step to capture the progress of the work. hope i will be able to do that during my future works.

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